I got my art on here finally!

00:34:45 07 Oct, 2013 - Michael

I've been telling myself for weeks now I was going to fix my image uploader to properly create thumbnails (in the past I had to manually size them, which means I'd get about 20-30 done and lose my mind).

Well today was that day. Got screenshots for web, originals of graphic designs, almost all my photography, and most of my studio art uploaded. Currently 127 rows in the database, but I know there's some stuff I didn't upload, and other stuff I want different pictures of. I just gotta track down the stragglers, and get them sized-down locally before uploading because they're +10MBs each, which my Interwebs can't even handle right now.

Pretty stoked about that because it's the first time I've ever gotten everything in one place and it's kinda staggering how much...stuff there is. The cast iron pans, ceramic pieces, all the photos, the insane amount of graphic designs I was willing to put up, and so on. I've got a couple of logo designs I'd like to put up as well, but I've gotta run those by the clients who purchased them.

Anyway, the one thing I don't have done yet is the lightbox, which is my next step. The old one I built about 6 months back (or was it a year?) had some issues in it, like if you clicked too fast and such it would disable the background before the image loaded, then the image would load and you'd have to reopen an image to close the box. I've been running it through my mind the last few days and I think I've got it figured out, and it'll be a nice change of pace to do a bunch of strictly Javascript coding for a day instead of bouncing back and forth.

Also, I really need to get Windows installed again so I can start working on ASP before my brother comes out to visit for Turkey Day...man, we're already in October, crazy.


design, studio, photo, upload, thumbnail

So this Linux thing paid off...

23:05:21 04 Oct, 2013 - Michael

I'm helping out a friends dad with his website, he wanted me to add a small form so potential clients could submit quotes, pretty simple build. I upload it to my test server (I didn't have anything installed on his computer), run it a few times, repoint the email address and we're good to go live.

I log onto his host, back-up the files to be replaced, and upload the first one. Next thing I know, the whole folder in the awful interface (not gonna name names, but it rhymes with SetworkNolutions; I used to think GoDaddy was the worst...) locks down. No clue what happened, but I navigate back a level in the file tree and suddenly I can't even re-access the folder. This is bad, m'kay.

I check the live end of the site, and it's 403ing on me. Great. So I'm waiting (and waiting, and waiting) on hold for tech support when I see my little friend, CHMOD, as a button at the bottom of the file uploader. Ohai thar.

I reset the folder permissions, site went back up, uploaded the remaining files, sent a test email, and everything was golden. Who says web dev isn't exciting?

Anyway, stay tuned, gonna upload all my other files hopefully over the next few days, get my renderings and 3D models and photos and ceramics up here.

chmod, linux, websites, permissions, 403


12:48:17 28 Sep, 2013 - Michael

So I'm back! A little back story:

So for a while now my brother has been trying to convince me to learn ASP/.NET, and so I was going to give it another shot. He insists it's some sort of two-step click-and-go operation, but the last time I tried doing anything with it, it pooched my ability to use the WAMP server on my lappy.

I decided that since this laptop had made it 2 years sans defrag, I'd back up everything, format the HDD and reinstall Windows from scratch. That last part was a bit of a problem, because, hey, speaking of scratch, that's what my reinstall CD looked like. Actually, it looked really really terrible.

But I still needed this laptop for work, so I booted up my desktop and downloaded Ubuntu and dove in. It's been an interesting few days getting everything downloaded and set up, and dealing with permissions (my god the permissions!), and then spent the last two days playing catch up on work I missed.


So anyway, I've got a bunch of things I need to add to the code section, so I need to actually put the Code Snippets page together, which is today's goal.

back, alive, linux, ubuntu, server, ihatepermissions

A little more progress...

09:24:50 12 Sep, 2013 - Michael

Hokay, so, I was sitting around the other day and realized I don't like how the code blocks in the code blog are inserted, so I think I've figured out a way around that.

In the mean time, I built a new image slider for the top of some pages, and I'm refining the code a little bit to be more generic/reusable, but the gist of the functionality is that it automatically detects the number of images that it's supposed hold, generates the buttons for people to manually cycle through, and has a couple other neat-o features. However, before I can post that I've gotta also add another system similar to the code blocks (again, why I need to fix those to be gooder) that lets me display code examples.

So code blocks, code examples, then all the happiness. Also, it looks like I've been slacking and haven't uploaded my pages for the Design, Photo, and Studio Art pages, so...I should do that.

new, website, code

It's live!

16:35:18 08 Sep, 2013 - Michael

So I just covered this in a posting in the code blog, but the site is coming along. The lack of Interwebs has been something of a good experience (gasp!).

I think there were a few instances I suprised myself when I figured something out without Googling the problem. It's one thing creating something from scratch, but it's another doing it entirely without access to any documentation.

Internet is still down at the house, so I snuck off to a Starbucks to upload the site, so it's officially online (hoorayyy!). Everything went fine once I remembered that I needed to actually upload the database to the online site (need more coffee...), oh, and the live site escapes quotes, so I had to modify my upload page to account for that. So, not bad for...4 days.

Got some other work to do, but I'm going to come back to this later and start building on the code section, and have live links to code chunks and probably put together a small site template that will get updated with all the code and...eh, blah blah blah.


new, site, unfinished, progress, live